Order Now $147.00 (valued at $967)


Mom, in an ideal world...


You get home from work knowing that your teen has finished their homework (or is working diligently).

You don't have to remind, nag, or stay on top of their assignments. 

There are no tense, late-night study sessions.

Instead, you get dinner on the table with ease and you talk about their day, their interests, and their dreams.

You finally see them grow into a confident and independent student.

You can relax and enjoy being a parent - not the homework police. 


Unfortunately, this is not your story.

You know your middle or high school student has potential, but you just don't see progress. 


Instead, you see:

Declining or rollercoaster grades.

Missing or incomplete assignments.

Your teen shutting down or lashing out.

Homework refusal.

Over-reliance on you to get started or stay organized.

Incredible self-doubt and loss of confidence.

Buckets of stress and anxiety...which adds to YOUR stress!


Ineffective learning strategies that create more stress and anxiety 

Teachers and parents assume students know how to learn.  Many students can take notes, highlight key information, re-read material for tests. But, these are passive learning strategies and are largely inadequate for teens who have compromised attention, working memory, and executive functions. 

Even worse, passive study strategies give students a false sense of security - the illusion of understanding. Students mistakenly believe that since they recognize concepts, they know, and will be able to recall and apply them while testing...and that's simply not true.


Unfortunately, many professionals are not intimately familiar with how ADHD, anxiety, and depression impact working memory, executive functions, and self-regulation, so they don't fully address the complex nature of learning or provide complete solutions. 


By using this card deck, your middle or high school student will:


Discover how they learn best.

Know how to get unstuck when faced with complex assignments.

Deeply learn school material in less time, and remember more of it.

Grow their confidence, resilience, and self-esteem.

Complete assignments on time and properly prepare for tests.


What if...


Your teen took greater ownership of their assignments and studied regularly—even when they didn't feel like it?

You didn't have to witness yet another meltdown from school stress?

You could pat yourself on the back for giving your teen exactly what they need to learn effectively, raise their grades, and perform at their best more consistently?


Hi, I'm Dynell.

As a parent who has heard countless promises, I understand your skepticism. I’ve been in your shoes.

Before becoming an educational therapist, I was just a mom, spending countless hours reteaching class material to my son in ways he could grasp. Now, with over a decade of experience as an educational therapist, I bring both professional expertise and personal insight to the table.

I’ve lived the journey from struggle to success, both as a parent and as an educator.

In just 12 weeks, my clients have achieved remarkable transformations:

- Rising from the middle of the pack to the top 2% of students in rigorous, college-prep, and AP classes.

- Moving from complete disengagement to passing their classes with Cs or better in 8 weeks.

- Transitioning from dreading math to making the honor roll.

And remember, I work exclusively with teens who are managing anxiety, depression, or ADHD. :)

These successes aren’t one-time miracles; they are consistent results from my strategies.

"Ms. Dynell changed everything for us. Chase's grades are up, his focus is better, and I don't have to stay on top of his homework as much. It's like we can all breathe again." —Corrine, mom of Chase, a 9th-grade client managing anxiety and depression along with school.

Can I share a proud mama moment: By the 11th grade, my son had transformed from an anxious, dependent student into a confident, independent learner. We used the same learning strategies I teach in this program

The Stress Tamer

See grades climb when we address the invisible emotional barriers holding your teen back, especially for those grappling with ADHD, anxiety, or depression.  Finally, your teen can confidently raise their hand in class instead of hiding in the back row, and you no longer receive calls from school about disruptive behavior or incomplete work.

The Learning Code

Crack your teen's unique learning DNA with our adaptive 5R Learning Routine. Witness the power of personalized strategies that will help your teen consistently turns in assignments on time, test scores jump from C's to B's or even A's, and teacher conferences transform from dreaded events into celebrations of your child's progress. Plus, your teen work get "unstuck" more quickly


The Motivation Switch

Uncover the hidden psychological triggers that transform your reluctant teen into a self-driven achiever. Nagging becomes a thing of the past and intrinsic motivation takes the driver's. You can finally enjoy peaceful family dinners without arguments about unfinished homework, and your teen starts completing assignments without constant reminders.

Your teen's motivation switch is there.  We'll help you flip it on.


What's Included

A Learning Strategies Deck

Your teen's pocket-sized learning coach based on cognitive science

Transforms overwhelming tasks into manageable steps using the 5R Learning Routine

Boosts focus and engagement during study sessions through targeted retrieval practices

 52 cards reduces procrastination and increases motivation by addressing both cognitive and emotional aspects of learning

A Comprehensive Workbook

Provides a structured approach to implementing the 5R Learning Routine at home

Offers ready-to-use templates and worksheets

Tracks progress and celebrates achievements

Refresh & Reminder Activities

Bite-size lessons for maximum impact

Step-by-step instructions on each of the 5 learning activities

Unlocks the secrets of efficient learning

Teaches proven test preparation strategies

Empowers teens to take control of their academic journey


Additional Study Tools That Make a Difference (included in your purchase)

The Best Homework Sessions Guide

  • Learn how to set up homework sessions to take advantage of your teen's energy and mood flucutations (very common for teens who have ADHD, anxiety, or depression)
  • Use our checklist to create structures that reduce procrastination
  • Prioritization allows students to complete all of their homework, and submit it on time (not find papers crumbled in the bottom of a backpack)

An Easy-to-Use Thought-Shifting Process

  • An audio guide to help teens identify emotional triggers and negative self-talk
  • Simple techniques to reframe thoughts so your teen can reduce stress and calmly tackle assignments without meltdowns, finish tests with confidence, and minimize missing assignments – all without constant reminders from you.

Jump Start Strategies

  • Six ways for teens to get started when their executive functions work against them

Let's recap what's included

(Total value = $967)

Learning Strategies Card Deck

Active learning strategies allow teens to personalize learning. (Value $169)

Training & Workbook

Practice and reference material to use throughout the year. (Value $568)


Extra resources to increase student academic success. (Value $230)

Card Deck & Training $147 (valued at $967)

If this sounds like exactly what you’ve been looking for, you can get instant access to the training once you enroll. But before you join, please make sure that your teen is willing to engage so they can have the grades they want with less stress.

Because all sales are final.

This might be difficult to hear...


Your teen is looking for ways to get off of the grade rollercoaster - and they are looking to you for solutions.  


Real talk:

School will not get better by itself.  Teens who have complex needs, such as anxiety, depression, or ADHD, benefit from specialized resources. Often their attention, working memory, and executive functions are compromised and this makes learning more difficult.  This is why generic, one-size-fits-all study skills and tutoring support can help temporarily, but they rarely create LASTING change.

Having the skills to take in, process, retain, and use information is critical for learning success.


Why we succeed where others fall short 


I first created learning routines for my son when he was in the fourth grade, 11 years ago. His diagnoses identified challenges with working memory, executive functions, and attention. At that young age, he had zero frustration tolerance, was easily overwhelmed, and wanted to do everything by himself. Our "games" (really they were learning routines) kept his attention and matched his can't-sit-still energy. 

Plus, I made sure he had plenty of choices while learning because he hated being wrong and every correction was received as criticism.

All of this experience is baked into the 5R Learning Routine. 

Here's what makes us different:

  1. We're not just guessing here. Our 5R Learning Routine is an active learning strategy based on solid cognitive science. 
  2. We don't separate emotions from learning. They're two sides of the same coin for us. We teach students how to push through when things get tough, and we celebrate that effort.
  3. We don't shy away from or sugarcoat the learning process.  Getting wrong answers is normal. We teach students to expect to feel uncomfortable and create a space where it's okay to say, "I don't get it," without feeling embarrassed. We want them to know when they're lost and how to find answers.

This isn't just theory for us. It's tried and tested, and has worked for teens in all types of learning environments.  This is the key to learning!

"I saved time and got an 88% on my test."


"Normally, I'm up all. night and it's pretty stressful. This time, I used the cards to figure out what I still needed to learn. Then I just did that part [of the review]. That saved me time and I got an 88 on my test." - 11th-grade student with ADHD.

Ready to Join Us?

Let's recap what's included

(Total value = $967)

Learning Strategies Card Deck

Active learning strategies allow teens to personalize learning. (Value $169)

Training & Workbook

Practice and reference material to use throughout the year. (Value $568)


Extra resources to increase student academic success. (Value $230)

Card Deck & Training $147 (valued at $967)


Acces it for only $147 (valued at $967)

Our journeys are unique, yet we share the same dreams and fears. 

I've created strategies that work with your teen's brain, not against it. These tools are built for teens struggling with anxiety, depression, or ADHD. 

In my experience, letting students choose HOW they learn fires up their motivation - something regular school instruction often misses.  And, when students start to see the results of their work, they can tolerate not knowing or getting a wrong answer. There's nothing else quite like this for our teens.